The 6th International Conference on Energy Materials and Nanotechnology, the Sino-German Bilateral Workshop on Energy-Saving Coatings and the Wuhan Forum of World Famous Scientists’ Lecturing in Hubei on Environmental Detection and Sensing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发布时间:2023-08-22 来源:院办公室 阅读次数: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Co-sponsored by Energy Harvest and Environmental Detecting Green Technology Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials Co-constructed by the Province and Ministry, Ministry-of-Education Key Laboratory for the Green Preparation and Application of Functional Materials, Hubei Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials, Hubei Key Laboratory of Micro-Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices, and Hubei Provincial International Scientific Cooperation Base of Advanced Photoelectric Conversion and Photo-/Electro-Catalysis Materials, the 6th International Conference on Energy Materials and Nanotechnology, the Sino-German Bilateral Workshop on Energy-Saving Coatings and the Wuhan Forum of World Famous Scientists’ Lecturing in Hubei on Environmental Detection and Sensing will be held on 22-24th, September 2023 in Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei. Conference Topics and Conveners 1. Environmental Sensing and Photoelectric Detecting (Xin Guo, Chongxin Shan) 2. Energy Storage Materials and Devices (Ming Liu, Jiagang Wu, Yuewei Yin, Jinxing Zhang) 3. Vanadium Dioxide Based Smart Window Coating (Peter Klar, Yanfeng Gao, Yunbin He) 4. Graduate Student Forum (Xianbao Wang, Zhiguang Guo, Yongming Hu) Call for paper Authors are invited to submit full original research papers that have not been, or will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before the review notification date of this conference. Submitted papers should be written in English and should be submitted in Word/PDF format. All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and relevance by the Program Committee. High quality conference proceedings will be recommended to publish on Energy & Environmental Materials (IF:15.0, Q1). Paper submission will be done electronically via Email (icemn2023@126.com) Important Dates
Submission of Abstract and Full Papers Due (in PDF/WORD form): 10th September, 2023 Author Registration: 24nd September, 2023 Conference: 23rd-24th September, 2023
General Chairs Prof. Yunqi Liu, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Weimin Liu, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science Prof. S. Ravi P. Silva, University of Surrey Prof. Irshad Hussain, Lahore University of Management Sciences Prof. Guosheng Shao, Zhengzhou University Prof. Haitao Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Prof. Yang Shen, Tsinghua University Prof. Kevin Peter Homewood, Hubei University Academic Committee Prof. Ravi Silva, University of Surrey, UK Prof. Christof Wöll, Karlsruher Institutfür Technologie, Germany Prof. John Wang, National University of Singapore, Singapore Prof. Taewon Kang, Dongguk University, Korea Prof. Irshad Hussain, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan Prof. Peter Kelly, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Prof. Peter Klar, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Germany Prof. Dominik Eder, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Prof. Munetaka Oyama, Kyoto University, Japan Prof. Guohua Hu, University of Lorraine, France Prof. Guosheng Shao, Zhengzhou University Prof. Jiyan Dai, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Prof. Jianhua Hao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Prof. Shuangyin Wang, Hunan University Organizing Committee Prof. Tianjin Zhang, Hubei University Prof. Xianbao Wang, Hubei University Prof. Zhiguang Guo, Hubei University Prof. Xiuhua Zhang, Hubei University Prof. Dean Shi, Hubei University Prof. Yunbin He, Hubei University Prof. Yun Gao, Hubei University Prof. Xiaohong Xia, Hubei University Prof. Yongming Hu, Hubei University Prof. Yajun Qi, Hubei University Prof. Qingfeng Zhang, Hubei University Prof. Wei Yan, Hubei University Prof. Wei Zhang, University of Surrey Prof. Peter Kelly, Manchester Metropolitan University Prof. Peter Klar, Justus-Liebig-Universität Prof. Alexey Cherevan, Vienna University of Technology Secretary Dr. Mi Tang, Dr. Rong Li, Dr. Li Wan, Dr. Xuxing Chen, Dr. Jing Li Registration fees One author per accepted paper, poster, Ph.D. Dissertation showcase, industrial paper, or demo is required to register and attend the conference and to present the accepted submission. Otherwise, the accepted submission will not appear in the published conference proceedings. Registration fee covers meeting document, lunch and dinner.
Conference Venue and Hotel Conference Venue: Hubei University Conference Center, 368 Youyi Avenue, Wuhan, China Hotel: Wuhan Laisi International Hotel is recommended and shuttle bus will be arranged during the conference. Transportation: Please book your flights or train tickets at your earliest convenience. Wuhan is well connected to the major cities like Beijing and Shanghai by frequent daily flights. The pick-up service at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport will be provided upon request by email to icemn2023@126.com.
Contact Information Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Qingfeng Zhang, zhangqingfeng@hubu.edu.cn, +86-18702796512 Mi Tang, mtang@hubu.edu.cn, +86-15926432043 Rong Li, rli@hubu.edu.cn, +86-13675046946 Email: icemn2023@126.com Meeting Schedule:
第六届能源材料和纳米技术国际会议及中德双边节能涂层研讨会 暨世界著名科学家来鄂讲学环境探测与传感武汉论坛通知 (第三轮通知) 由爱游戏官方网站能源捕获和环境传感绿色技术学科创新引智基地(“111基地”)、有机化工新材料省部共建协同创新中心、功能材料绿色制备与应用教育部重点实验室、高分子材料湖北省重点实验室、微纳电子材料与器件湖北省重点实验室、湖北省先进光电转换与光电催化材料国际合作基地共同承办的“第六届能源材料和纳米技术国际会议及中德双边节能涂层研讨会暨世界著名科学家来鄂讲学环境探测与传感武汉论坛”,定于2023年9月22日至24日在湖北省武汉市爱游戏官方网站召开。会议拟邀请百余名国内外知名专家学者参加,其中来自奥地利、韩国、英国、德国、日本、印度、俄罗斯、新加坡、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、中国香港等境外专家30余名。会议将通过大会特邀报告、分会特邀报告、分会报告和墙报等多种形式,对环境探测与传感、能源捕获与转化、光电探测与催化等相关的最新科学、工程以及技术等前沿问题开展研讨。我们诚邀国内外专家学者和同行不吝赐教、共襄盛会,现将有关事项告知如下: 一、会议主题及召集人 (1)环境传感与光电探测(郭新、单崇新) (2)能源存储新材料与器件(刘明、吴家刚、殷月伟、张金星) (3)二氧化钒基智能窗涂层(Peter Klar、高彦峰、何云斌) (4)研究生论坛(王贤保、郭志光、胡永明) 二、会议征文 (1)会议只接受没有在国内外正式刊物和学术会议上发表过的原始论文、创新论文和研究报告。除特邀代表外,不接受综述文章。 (2)来稿请注明论文联系人的投稿类型(大会特邀报告、分会特邀报告、口头报告、墙报)、详细联系方式,包括固定电话、手机号码、电子信箱等。在相同情况下,会议将优先考虑录用参会人员的论文。 (3)会议接收论文将推荐到Energy & Environmental Materials期刊(SCI,EI,SCOPUS,WOS收录,影响影子15.0,Q1)发表。 (4)每名注册代表只能推荐一篇论文到正式期刊发表。 (5)摘要及全文请发送至投稿邮箱:icemn2023@126.com。 三、会议时间安排 摘要、投稿截止日期:2023年9月10日 报到注册: 2023年9月22日 会议时间: 2023年9月23-24日 四、会议组织机构 大会主席 刘云圻院士,中国科学院化学研究所 刘维民院士,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 Ravi Silva,英国皇家工程院院士,University of Surrey Irshad Hussain教授,巴基斯坦科学院院士,Lahore University of Management Sciences 邵国胜教授,国家特聘教授,郑州大学 黄海涛教授,香港理工大学 沈洋教授,国家级人才,清华大学 Kevin Peter Homewood教授,国家特聘教授,爱游戏官方网站 学术委员会 Prof. Ravi Silva, University of Surrey, UK Prof. Christof Wöll, Karlsruher Institutfür Technologie, Germany Prof. John Wang,National University of Singapore, Singapore Prof. Taewon Kang, Dongguk University, Korea Prof. Irshad Hussain, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan Prof. Peter Kelly, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Prof. Peter Klar, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Germany Prof. Dominik Eder, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Prof. Munetaka Oyama, Kyoto University, Japan Prof. Guohua Hu,University of Lorraine, France 邵国胜教授 郑州大学 戴吉岩教授 香港理工大学 郝建华教授 香港理工大学 王双印教授 湖南大学 组织委员会 章天金教授 爱游戏官方网站 王贤保教授 爱游戏官方网站 郭志光教授 爱游戏官方网站 张修华教授 爱游戏官方网站 施德安教授 爱游戏官方网站 何云斌教授 爱游戏官方网站 高 云 教授 爱游戏官方网站 夏晓红教授 爱游戏官方网站 胡永明教授 爱游戏官方网站 祁亚军教授 爱游戏官方网站 张清风教授 爱游戏官方网站 严 微 教授 爱游戏官方网站 Wei Zhang教授 University of Surrey Peter Kelly教授 Manchester Metropolitan University Peter Klar教授 Justus-Liebig-Universität Alexey Cherevan教授 Vienna University of Technology 大会秘书处 唐蜜博士 李荣博士 万丽博士 陈绪兴博士 李静博士 五、部分特邀专家
名称:湖北聚衫科技有限公司 银行账户:17047801040000701 开户银行:中国农业银行股份有限公司武汉团结大道支行 行号:103521004786 税号:91420107MA4KM13T1N 地址:武汉市青山区青山镇武汉国际钢铁物流服务中心(钢谷)一期4栋0402号 注册费包括:会议资料一份,会议中餐、晚餐。 参会代表差旅、住宿费用自理。 七、会议地址及推荐住宿酒店 会议地址:爱游戏官方网站会议中心 推荐住宿酒店:武汉莱斯国际酒店(武汉市武昌区中北路259号),会议期间大巴往返 八、联系方式 联系人:张清风,唐蜜,李荣 联系电话:18702796512,15926432043,13675046946 联系邮箱:zhangqingfeng@hubu.edu.cn, mtang@hubu.edu.cn, rli@hubu.edu.cn 能源捕获和环境传感绿色技术学科创新引智基地(“111基地”) 爱游戏官方网站 2023年8月20日 |