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04.2023 ---至今爱游戏官方网站 爱游戏官方网站


08.2022 ---04.2023香港城市大学 能源与环境系博士后


07.2021 --- 08.2022 武汉工程大学 机电工程学院讲师


09.2016 --- 07.2021 香港城市大学机械工程系博士


01.2016 --- 08.2016 香港城市大学机械工程系研究助理


07.2012 --- 04.2015 武汉核动力运行研究所设计中心助理工程师


09.2008 --- 06.2012 哈尔滨工程大学核工程与核技术专业学士



1.Xie, S.,Beni, M. S., Cai, J., & Zhao, J. (2018). Review of critical-heat-flux enhancement methods.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,122, 275-289.SCI 1, JCR (Q1, 5/61),IF 5.584

2.Xie, S., Tong, Q., Guo, Y., Li, X., Kong, H., & Zhao, J. (2020). The effects of surface orientation, heater size, wettability, and subcooling on the critical heat flux enhancement in pool boiling.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,149, 119230.SCI 1,JCR (Q1, 5/61),IF 5.584.

3.Xie, S., Jiang, M., Kong, H., Tong, Q., & Zhao, J. (2020). An experimental investigation on the pool boiling of multi-orientated hierarchical structured surfaces.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,164, 120595.SCI 1,JCR (Q1, 5/61),IF 5.584.

4.Xie, S., Ma, X., Kong, H., Bai, S., Jiang, M., & Zhao, J. (2021). The synergetic effects of the surface wettability and the patterned nanostructure on boiling heat transfer enhancement.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,176, 121475.SCI 1,JCR (Q1, 5/61),IF 5.584.

5.Xie, S., Li, X., & Zhao, J.(2021).Numerical investigation on the effects of non-gaussian random and regular textured rough surface on critical heat flux.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 105485. JCR (Q1,4/60),SCI 2,IF 7.

6.Xie, S., Ren,T., Chen, G., Zhou, Z., Li, Z., Wu, W., Huang L., (2022) High-performance porous copolymer hydrogel for oceanic electricity generation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 140983,SCI 1, IF 16.744.

7.Ren, T., Zhu, Z., Chen, L., Ge.Y., Huang L.,Xie. S.,Liu. P., (2022) Numerical simulation of flow resistance characteristics in a rod bundle channel under vertical and inclined conditions, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 104450,SCI 2, IF 2.461.

8.Ren, T., Huang, L., Xie, S., Chen, G., Liu, P., Chen, L., (2022) Photothermal hygroscopic hydrogel for simultaneous generation of clean water and electricity, Science China Technological Sciences, 022,11431-2305,SCI 2, IF 3.903.

9.Xie, S., & Yuan, Y. The physical preliminary design based on pressurized water reactor of IP200. InProgress report on nuclear science and technology in China (Vol. 3). Proceedings of academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society in2013, No. 3--nuclear power sub-volume (Pt. 2).

10.Xie, S.,Lam, M. L., Zhao, Z., Luk, B. L., Chen, T. H., Ho, K. L. J., & Chieng, C. C. 3D Immersive Display Application for Public Illustration of a Station Blackout for CPR1000. (2017),InThe 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety.

11.Xie, S., & Zhao, J. The latest review of CHF enhancement methods in nuclear systems. In2018International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2018(pp. 172-181). American Nuclear Society.












4.香港基础研究基金(General Research Funding)第一主要参与人 69.6万港币(2019-2021)

项目名称:Investigation on Critical Heat Flux enhancement with nanocoated surface udner different orientation.

5.大型热工水力试验台搬迁及改造主要参与人 850(2012-2014)


6.流致振动试验台主要参与人 45(2013-2014)


